“Enabling the Smart Economy....Taking your Research to new Heights”
Communicating Your Idea - Who is Your Customer and Do They Get It?
Dr Barry McMahon
September 2012
Slide contents
Communicating You Idea
How Would You Communicate Your Innovation Idea ?
- Your Path to a PhD!
- Your Path to a PhD!
- Your Path to a PhD!
- Your Path to a PhD!
The Student Experience
Engineers Thinking
Clinical Approach
- Clinical Approach
- Communication cont.
- Communication cont.
Need to Speak the Language of the Customer
Patient Care
Who is the Customer ?
Video Pitch
Do They Get it ?
Communicating My IDEA
Identifying the Customer
The Oesophago-gastric Junction
Oesophagho-gastric Junction Function
Endoscopic Therapy
Resistance to Distension
Resistance to Distension V Squeeze
Distensibility Testing
- Impedance Planimetry
Typical Distension in OGJ
The Functional Lumen Imaging Probe (FLIP)
Normal Control
Patient with Achalasia
Crospon Ltd Galway
Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy
Measurement Intra-Operatively
Pre & Post Lap Nissen
Anorectal Function
Results: anal distensions profiles
Squeeze Profile
Use of FLIP to Measure Extent and Duration of Upper Esophageal Sphincter Opening in Dysphagia
Upper Esophageal Sphincter
- Pilot Studies
- Pilot Studies